The Einayich Yonim Fellowship
Our hurting planet is in need.
It needs young people who can see in a different way, who look with marvel at the delicate systems of creation, who feel a sense of holy responsibility for the earth, who embrace hope and inspire each other towards real and internalized change.
The Einayich Yonim fellowship is a place for Jewish high school students to learn to see with new eyes. To see themselves. To see others. To see the natural world. And it is a place to find their inner strength. To work on themselves. To impact their communities and to take part in caring for the future. It is a fellowship built on connection. Connection to one’s soul. Connection across generations. Connection to ancient Jewish ways and to the wisdom of our heritage.
It is about learning with the head and the heart, and also the hands. It is about coming together with other Jewish souls to see anew - to explore, to reflect, to imagine and to take action towards a different kind of future for ourselves, for our communities and for our world. It is a Jewish ecology fellowship that starts within.
The mission of the Einayich Yonim fellowship is to provide Jewish high school students with the opportunity to delve into Jewish ethical ecology, to build a safe and supportive community of spiritually connected young people, to nurture self-reflection and personal growth, to foster intergenerational mentor relationships, to support young Jewish people in building a sense of confidence in themselves as agents of change for a better world, and to help them see the profound connection between their Jewish heritage and their responsibility for the well-being of all life on earth.
Program Description and Structure
The Einayich Yonim fellowship is an 18 month experience for Jewish high school sophomores and juniors with a strong interest in Jewish spirituality, concern for the environment, a background in Jewish learning and a commitment to personal growth. Participants will be part of a thoughtful community of peers and teachers and will also be supported to connect with an adult mentor from their school or synagogue. Over the course of the program, Einayich Yonim fellows from across North America will participate in:
10 monthly Jewish ecology seminars, discussion groups and mentoring meetings
One week-long summer retreat in California
A six month community impact project